My Learning about the Group Learning Space

The readings this week really enlightened me to what makes up the group learning space, instead of just thinking about it as group activities.

The YouTube video where three educational experts were questioned about ‘group work’ was so interesting. I was very hooked in on this topic and the points of view which were presented. Learning that group work is different from cooperative work was a challenging moment for me, and I was enlightened to hear what the differences were. I now see that group work is where a teacher will just put students together and ask them to work together to complete a task or discuss something. Whereas true cooperative work is where each group member has a responsibility to contribute to the group and has a specific area they must complete. This ensures individual accountability for all involved. The teacher must be an active part of the cooperative learning space, providing guidance and feedback before, during and after.

After learning this, I was able to structure some activities more effectively in a unit of work assignment I am completing at the moment.

It was funny to realise that my Lecturer had structured the group assignment in such a way that allowed for cooperative work to occur. Each member has a designated section to complete and a role within the group (mine is the time manager – highly appropriate for me).

I feel after this week that I have a better understanding of how to coordinate group work tasks. However, I am still puzzled and challenged by the notion that there is a group learning ‘space’. I can’t quite see it as that of yet. Perhaps in time….

tvoparents,. (2010, February 18). Does ‘Group Work’ Work? : Is It the Best Way for Children to Learn? [Video file]. Retrieved from

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